If you’re in an accident driving your personal vehicle, there is a range of consequences, whether you were at fault or not. If you were not at fault, you’ll have to deal with the other driver’s insurance company to pay for the damage to your vehicle, any medical bills, and pain and suffering compensation. If it was your fault, it could be as simple as letting your insurance company handle it, or you could be facing larger consequences, like a civil suit or criminal charges, depending on what happened.
And that’s all just private vehicles and drivers. Imagine the problems that could crop up for a commercial truck driver. That’s why attorneys like Kirkendall Dwyer LLP are there to aid Texas drivers when Houston truck accidents happen.
Texas is a large state, and commercial truck drivers heading east and west almost always have to pass through it. Add to that local delivery trucks and other services involving trucks, and, unfortunately, there are a lot of Houston truck accidents.
On the night of January 2nd, at least one person was killed in an accident with a dump truck. When something like this happens, if you live in Texas, you should call lawyers in Houston because truck accidents can be tricky matters. Who was at fault? Who should be compensated? How much? If you were injured, or you are the family member of someone killed in an accident like this, you need to know your rights. Insurance companies have lawyers whose entire jobs are to make sure that they pay out as little as possible. This could leave you holding the bag for bills and fees that you shouldn’t have to pay. Whether you’re a truck driver or private driver, call Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today for help.