Most semi-truck drivers appreciate how much responsibility they have on their shoulders when they take their rig out on the road. Between the horsepower they command, the cargo they pull and the number of people in much smaller cars around them, it would be hard not appreciating how careful you need to be. But careful is not always enough. Accidents can happen and, when they do, you’ll want a truck accident lawyer in Dallas on the phone as soon as possible.
One story out of Ohio helps to highlight this. A well-intentioned semi-truck driver was leaving a delivery he made at the Marietta Shrine Club when, unbeknownst to him, his rig grabbed hold of some power lines. Unaware, the driver kept traveling until finally his truck had uprooted or snapped three power lines.
Of course, over the winter, there were plenty of instances of accidents involving semi-trucks with no discernible guilty part other than the weather itself. In Pendleton, OH, roads were so bad that it forced a FedEx truck to jackknife in traffic. Unfortunately, that truck was also pulling two trailers. Another semi ran into one of them from behind and the trailer came apart, hurling packages everywhere.
These are just two examples of many where a tremendous accident occurred from an honest mistake or no error at all other than bad conditions. But as a commercial truck driver, you understand that these types of factors don’t always work in your favor. That’s why it’s best to consult with a truck accident lawyer in Dallas as soon as they occur. You’ll get the advice you need in case your employer or another party decides to press charges or seek damages.
And even though these accidents are rare, the stakes involved can often be far worse than some downed power lines or missing packages. So make sure the next time you get behind the wheel, you have the information for a good truck accident lawyer in Dallas on hand. Kirkendall Dwyer LLP is a great firm that can provide you with the help you need.