Know what to do when disaster strikes. This is good advice for anyone and applies to a wide range of catastrophic events. Dealing with the fallout from a serious accident involving an eighteen-wheeler is no different.
There are several things to consider when you or someone you love has been involved in a wreck with a semi-truck. You must first protect yourself. Hiring a truck accident attorney should be a top priority. Lawyers like those at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP will keep your interests in mind so you can concentrate on your recovery. They will make sure to explain your rights and take the proper steps to work towards any compensation you may be due as a result of negligence from a truck driver or trucking company. Trucking accidents take time, and there are many unique circumstances that come into play above and beyond a regular traffic accident. Certain federal regulations stipulate what can be done and when. By hiring professional representation you can trust, you will be able to leave the work to them while you get back on your feet.
In the event of a truck accident, it is very likely you and your passengers will need medical attention immediately. Hospital stays are very expensive by themselves, and any major injuries to organs or to your brain or spine may require long-term medical attention. When the worst happens, funeral costs must also be considered. In all likelihood, the trucking company will proclaim it is not liable in the accident. An attorney can fight to make you whole again through compensation from the damages you incurred.
You have bigger things to worry about after an accident with a semi truck. Let someone else work to make sure you receive what you deserve.