When conditions are bad, you’ll wish you had a truck accident lawyer in Houston

Weather all around the country wasn’t been particularly cooperative this past winter. All over, states recorded record snowfalls and some even reported snowfalls for the first time in a long time. Unfortunately, Texas was one of them. Even areas as far south as Houston got hit with some miserable winter weather. It made driving an adventure, to say the least, especially for truck drivers.

Unfortunately, two men in Saint Paul, Nebraska had to find out the hard way how challenging snowfall can make things. Now, one of them is a perfect example of why you’ll want a truck accident lawyer in Houston on speed dial, especially when conditions get bad.

The 25-year-old driver of the semi-tractor, Cody Stevens, was driving northbound on Highway 11, just a couple miles north of Cotesfield. At around 6 pm, he crossed the center line and, in doing so, struck 47-year-old Donald Kozeal, who was coming the other direction.

Stevens has been reported as uninjured. But Kozeal was pronounced dead from his injuries after being taken to Howard County Medical Center.

At this time, no charges have been pressed. The case remains with the Howard County Attorney. But we know that the snow and ice were prevalent conditions that day in Saint Paul.

While Houston did get hit this winter, snow and ice certainly aren’t common. But that doesn’t mean you need a truck accident lawyer in Houston any less. Conditions can still be bad for a number of reasons, resulting in an accident that wasn’t your fault. If that happens, representation can’t come soon enough.

Fortunately, you can call Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. They’ll provide you with an experienced truck accident lawyer in Houston who will provide you with the representation you deserve. Again, while you might not be in trouble now, make sure you remember their name, just in case.

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