A woman was recently killed in a wreck with an 18-wheeler on Burnet Road in North Austin. The semi was backing up, and collided with the car. The car driver was declared dead at the scene.
It’s not hard to determine why people in passenger vehicles are often seriously injured – or even killed – in collisions with 18-wheelers. Trucks are powerful and large enough to easily crush the smaller vehicles. Trucking companies usually do not offer much in the way of help for victims of 18-wheeler accidents.
Each year, thousands of people who were victims of semi truck accidents don’t receive a rate of compensation that is just, taking into account their injuries. If your loved one was injured or killed in a wreck with a semi-truck, it will help you to contact a truck accident attorney. They know what is just and fair compensation for the injury or loss of a loved one, although nothing will bring them back.
Kirkendall Dwyer LLP is an attorney office that is well versed in Texas law. They can assist you if your loved one was hurt or killed in an 18-wheeler accident. They will review the police report and your claim and give you good advice about your legal options.
Accidents involving semi-trucks are brought on by various factors. They do have limitations, when compared with cars and SUVs. You should be aware of these limitations. In addition, sometimes trucks are overloaded, poorly maintained, or driven unwisely under poor weather conditions.
If you had a loved one injured or killed in a semi truck accident, the US government requires that the trucking companies carry liability insurance. The trucking company’s insurance adjuster will contact you at least once. Don’t talk to them. They will be trying to pry information from you that they can use to offer you less money. Speak with your own truck accident attorney and let them settle the case for you.