Reasons not to Tailgate an 18 Wheeler

Tailgating an 18 wheeler can lead to a serious accident; contact the truck accident attorneys at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP for helpDrivers of passenger cars often underestimate the dangers of staying too close to an 18 wheeler.  No matter whether you are following behind too closely, or staying right beside an 18 wheeler, you may likely be in the truck driver’s blind spot.  There are numerous reasons driving too close to an 18 wheeler is dangerous.

In the event that an 18 wheeler experiences a tire blowout, if you are following too closely behind the truck, the scraps of debris can come flying at you.  You may not be able to avoid the flying debris, and this can easily lead to an accident.  In an attempt to swerve out of the way, you may collide with another car.  Often tire blowouts can take other parts of a truck with it, such as bumpers.  This is even more dangerous.

Another reason cars may tailgate an 18 wheeler is to be able to maintain a high speed without being detected by police officers.  However, if the truck is cut off by another car or encounters poor road conditions, he may brake suddenly.  If this catches you off-guard, you may not be able to stop in time.  Colliding with the back of an 18 wheeler at a high speed can result in the passenger car sliding beneath the truck in an underride accident.  These are some of the most serious 18 wheeler accidents on the road.

Other common mistakes made by passenger cars sharing the road with trucks include:

  • Cutting a truck off–this can result in an override accident
  • Not leaving enough room for a truck to take a right turn.  Trucks take very wide turns, and if you are trying to pass and are in the truck’s blind spot, you can easily be crushed.
  • Move away from truck’s as quickly as possible–this avoids being in a truck’s blind spot or risking an over or underride accident altogether

Driving with extra caution around very large vehicles will ensure that you minimize your risks for an accident.  If you do encounter the unfortunate situation of being in an accident with an 18 wheeler, contact our attorneys for help.  With proper legal representation, you have a better chance of recovering adequate compensation.

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